Pub Quiz
Join us for Pub Quiz with Best Worst Trivia every Tuesday from 7pm-9pm! Get your best team of up to four players together. As always, it’s free to play and we have prizes for our winning teams!
- Reserve a spot by e-mailing : to reserve a spot. Please include the following information… YOUR NAME / TEAM SIZE / TEAM NAME/ DATE OF QUIZ / CONTACT PHONE NUMBER.
- If you reserved a spot but can’t make it PLEASE e-mail/message us to let us know so we can let another team play.
- Teams that reserved a spot will be expected to have a player there at least ten minutes before the quiz begins to claim their reservation, or we WILL give your spot to a walk up team.
- Walk up teams will be seated on a first come first serve basis, assuming space allows for it.
- When checking in, the trivia host will confirm all contact info with one member of your team.
- Please bring your own writing utensil, or we will provide a single use pencil for teams without. No more returning pencils at the end of the night.
- At the end of each round, the host will wait 30 seconds, and then go around the room with a box for teams to drop their answer sheets into.
- Your answer sheet MUST be filled out at this point, no exceptions.
- Host will then score the answer sheets.